To give you an idea, one of the upgrades will let you or power-ups will let you set your enemies ablaze when hit while another upgrade could render the monsters frozen. You can confidently take on stronger enemies with all these skills up your sleeves. These upgrades accumulate over time, which means that your character actually does become stronger as you level up. Once it is already full, the game will let you choose 1 out of 3 special abilities or upgrades that will either make you more invincible or make your attacks more powerful. At the top of your screen, you will see a yellow progress bar that gradually gets filled as you clear stage after stage. To make things more exciting, Archero grants you special skills every time you level up. This means that you cannot simultaneously shoot your enemies and run around to evade their attacks, but that is what makes the game challenging and exciting! Strategizing and learning your opponents’ movements will prove to be vital if you want to survive each round. When it comes to fighting back, your archer will automatically send arrows flying at the monsters once you stop moving.